Rahmat Suregar

Rahmat Suregar

Hi, i'm Rahmat. I’m a Full Stack Web Developer. I have experience in providing website-based technology services, love the development of tech stack web and volunteering in educational social activities. You can contact me on Linkedin.

Aplikasi Absensi Webcam PWA
Built web-app presence with complete features selfie attendance, geolocation, schedule, holidays, leave, permission, sick built with Laravel and PWA based.
Fakultas Teknik, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Hasanuddin
Aplikasi Monitoring Siswa
A complete student monitoring application with daily attendance features using a webcam, recording tuition payments, and assessing student progress. This application is made using Laravel, Livewire, Javascript and PWA based.
TK Al Akhyar Islamic School
Website PPDB Al Akhyar Islamic School
Membuat website penerimaan siswa baru yang ringan, menarik dan informatif. Web dibuat menggunakan React Js dan Tailwind Css.
Al Akhyar Islamic School
Portal Akademik Universitas Hasanuddin
Role as front-end with responsible to build apps features KRS, KHS, Transcript, etc. using React an Ant Design.
Universitas Hasanuddin

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